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Every night can be family night.. Say,


HomeStage | Family

cleverly. connected. homes.

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Smart Home vs. a Clever Home | It's all in the programming

There are so many smart home products and services on the market today. Making sense of all you need is difficult.

Making it all work, as intended, and without the frustrations; impossible. 

Cleverly takes on the impossible with expert advice for your HomeStage - your family's ages, how many, schedules, etc. 

Next, Cleverly installs all the needed hardware then builds skills, routines, and programs just for you. No two HomeStage setups are the same. 

meet cleverly

Consultation for Customization.

Cleverly takes the time to go deeper than the basics. Who lives with you? Kids? You’ll want parental guidance and filters as standard. Constantly coming and going? Setting up location-aware triggers can turn lights on or off, set temperatures, even lock the door behind you. 


The magic behind it all starts with Cleverly’s initial consult; it’s on our dime and on your time. Schedule an appointment time, not a window. We’ll work within your budget, even starting small and growing into something much bigger if your needs (and wants) grow. Clever huh?

clever savings

Expanding possibilities.

Beyond the basics, Cleverly experts can create whole-home automation systems that compete, if not beat, $20,000+ monstrosities. The amazing thing, Cleverly can easily do it at 75% savings. Even more amazing; it’s likely easier to use and will last longer than the more expensive and complex built-in offerings. 

"Anyone can install smart devices. Cleverly is the only one that handcrafts scenes, routines, and automations with the whole family in mind."

Kyle Calvert, Founder


1620 Westgate Cir
Suite 100
Brentwood, TN 37027


(615) 224-8465.            ©2019 by Cleverly Connected Homes. All rights reserved. 

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